
Dr. Franziskus Horn interview at Estrategia newspaper


Fosfoquim foresees migration of various mining and industrial projects due to elevated energy costs in Chile.

Fosfoquim, a company dedicated to the manufacture of chemical products, supplies today 100% of the phosphorous pentasulfide used in Chile, an important raw material for several chemical processes. 

Dr. Franziskus Horn, Fosfoquim founder and Managing Director estimate that about 20% of the world copper production at some stage gets in contact with Fosfoquim products. In two manufacturing plants, fosfoquim employs about 140 people. "Since year 2000, Fosfoquim sales has grow about 10 times.

"In the last 5 years, Fosfoquim sales grow 30% per year. Today, our sales are three times what we did in 2007" explained Dr. Horn. Fosfoquim exports chemical products and technologies to Mexico, USA, Australia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Malasya, Egypt, New Zealand, South Korea and Philippines. Dr. Horn foresees a 15% growth in sales for 2013 due to new technology and process developments.

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